
  • window添加蓝牙打印机驱动(为Windows添加蓝牙打印机驱动程序)已关闭评论
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Bluetooth printing is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. The technology supports a wireless printing environment that enables simple and flexible printing solutions for consumers. Windows as a core operating system has developed support for Bluetooth printing. In this article, we will look at how to add a Bluetooth printer driver to a Windows device and provide an overview of how it works.

Step-by-Step Guide on Adding a Bluetooth Printer Driver

1. Turn on your Bluetooth printer and navigate to the device's settings.

2. On your Windows device, click on the Start menu and navigate to Settings.

3. In the Settings, select Devices, and then select the Bluetooth and other devices setting.

4. In the Bluetooth and other devices section, ensure that Bluetooth is turned on.

5. Click on Add Bluetooth or other devices and select Bluetooth.

6. From the list of available devices, select your Bluetooth printer and click on Pair.

7. Wait for a few seconds for the device to pair.

8. Once the device is paired, Windows will automatically install the necessary Bluetooth printer driver.

Overview of Windows Bluetooth Printer Driver Architecture

Windows Bluetooth printer driver architecture provides support for 2 printer driver types; standard and non-standard printer drivers.

Standard Bluetooth printer drivers function similarly to standard printer drivers which print jobs using the GDI(GDI+) principal and provide printer spooling for multiple print jobs.

Non-standard Bluetooth printer drivers operate via the vendor's custom printing software solution. This software sends printing commands to the printer via a print server or internet print protocol. These drivers often require specialized configuration during installation.

Bluetooth Printing Setup and Configuration

To access the Bluetooth printing setup and configuration options on Windows:

1. Click Start and select Settings.

2. Select Devices.

3. Select Printers and scanners.

4. Click on the printer and select Manage.

From this interface, users can configure settings such as Print Quality, Paper Size, and printer connection settings.


Bluetooth printing has become an increasingly important technology in today's world. Windows supports the use of Bluetooth printers with a dedicated driver built-in to the operating system, allowing for simple and flexible printing solutions for consumers. This article has outlined the steps to follow when adding a Bluetooth printer driver to a Windows device and provided an overview of the architecture behind Windows Bluetooth printing drivers.